Search engine optimization Search engines Seo blogs

Three Ways to Effectively Market Online

Search engine ranking

Did you know that inbound leads, such as search optimization, cost 61% less than outbound leads? Search engine optimization is an effective way to market online, and it can lead to a significant increase in web traffic. Since Google receives nearly 70% of the search engine market share, you must utilize several SEO strategies in order to improve the Google rankings of your website.

1. Content creation. This strategy involves creating keyword-rich blogs that are used to rank your website higher as an organic link. This is important because 70-80% of internet users only click on organic links, and 75% of users never look past the first page of search results. Sinc

Internet marketing Search engine optimization Search engines

How to Land a Front-Page Search Engine Ranking


Imagine your business as a lawn that needs constant maintenance. You know how hard it is to keep up the mowing, the clipping and the watering, but your customers always appreciate the effort you put in. At least, that is what they tell you.

It is time to step into the 21st century and allow the top Internet marketing tools to do your yard work for you. Can you picture your link high up in the search engine rankings? Here are five ways the top online tools can help you get there:

1. Always searching, never satisfied

About 92 percent of adults who use the web perform at least one search every day. That adds up to around 100 billion searches conducted per month around the globe. It is not just Google, either; Yahoo!, Bing and AOL all account for smaller

Search engine optimization Search engine rankings Search engines

Nothing Like a Good Ol’ Fashioned Top Notch Search Engine Ranking

Google rankings

Do you know around how many internet users pay no attention to the sponsored links that Google provides? Somewhere around 80 percent. But that does not mean that search engines do not matter. Online marketing is essential and 92 percent of adults who go online in the United States make one search online every year. Around 100 billion searches are made every single month and over 88 percent of US users from age 14 and up will browse and research products online in 2012. It is something in the order of 65 percent of mobile Internet users who rely on their smartphones in order to find a local business.

Google rankings, also known as search engine rankings, can greatly improve the presence of a business online. Many people do not realize how much search engine rankings matter, but they can get a sense of their influence by paying attention to their own search engine habits. The reason why search engine rankings are so important is because people rarely go to the second page whenever they search the internet.

Most people will just click on the first search that is generated organically. If it is the company’s name that they are searching for, this might not matter. But search engine rankings are more important once one gets down to the kind of services that the company provides. For instance, if you are a carpentry business, you are going to want to have a search engine ranking that will move you up toward the top of listing. And it is for this reason that these varieties of search engine rankings are so important.

They will probably continue to have a large influence on the ways that people search the internet for the foreseeable future and it is for this reason that search engine rankings matter so much. They are not the only type of marketing that matters, but they are probably the most underrated. Nothing can improve the quality of a business like having good search engine rankings can.